Back from NYC

After a fantastic WE in NYC, the return trip, the weather, and then a shock death made for a hard landing…Below the story of the trip.
Après une super fin de semaine à NYC, le voyage du retour, le temps, puis un décès soudain ont rendu l’atterrissage (amerrissage plutôt, vu le temps) difficile…Ci dessous l’histoire du voyage de retour.
Después de una buonissima fin de semana, el viaje de vuelta, el tiempo, y una muerte surpresa han provocado un aterrizaje difícil…A bajo la historia del viaje.

Ouf, tough ride home we had…bit of traffic to exit the island, then looting rain…nothing terrible. Until we reached Plattsburgh, where it was snowing quite hard. With the summer tires on, the pace when down. Then we reached The border, And that was the end of our hopes of a decent arrival time. First, there were two lines and they were quite long. Second, we chose the wrong line, with the Hasidic Jewish families who had made all the pit stops with us getting way ahead of us. Then the customs officer acting rough, the being directed to immigration for a check on my work permit (expiring 8 days later and in process of renewal). One hour later, we could finally enter Canada at about 2 am. If for once the customs officer were not very nice and did not welcome us to Canada, a snow storm did, and it got to the point where the road started being white: yeah! We finally dropped off Lisa at her home in the west at 3am and arrived home at 3:20, and Samuel emptied the car under the snow while Noemí put the kids back to sleep. After parking the car and some more efforts to get Eyquem relaxed in his bed, we finally went to bed at 4am, 9 hours after leaving Lispenard street, and more than 21 hours after getting out of bed and going for coffee in Little Italy with the kids and Lisa, for the driver at least.






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