Category: Blog

  • Hello!

    We have moved the blog. Old content appears as such. New content might pop up. Cheers!

  • We circumnavigated the globe! – On fait le tour du globe! – Hemos hecho la vuelta a la planeta!

    We circumnavigated the globe! – On fait le tour du globe! – Hemos hecho la vuelta a la planeta!

    You can clearly see it from our flight paths: thanks to Putin, we went round the earth! On le voit bien depuis nos trajectoires de vol : grâce à Poutine, nous avons fait le tour de la terre! Se puede ver claramente desde nuestras trayectorias de vuelo: gracias a Putin, dimos la vuelta a la…

  • A walk around then on Gargantua's tomb

    On Sunday last day of September, a day that was looking like a last day of summer at first, but turned out to be a rather greyish day in between fall and summer, we went to Saint Suliac to round the Mont Garrot, aka Gargantua’s tomb. And we did walk the 3 minutes detour to…

  • Tromboline, Fullbazard, and Blaise

    Our egg laying trio are in good shape, laying quite some eggs. They (a bit reluctantly for the soie blanches) accepted to pose for some photos 🙂 Check the whole lot out here. (Or check a selection from their arrival in June to now.)

  • Ff (Farm Friday)

    We have started passing by the bio miles farm on Fridays for fresh untreated milk, cheese and a veggie box that you have to pre-order every Tuesday. The milk is fantastic, so are the cheese. And it is fun to see the evening milking and the animals! 

  • Holiday season

    2015 is slowly being wrapped up…

  • Garbage

    I work on a campus that is, nature wise, nice. There ponds, trees, birds. For instance, yesterday the sunrise and the ponds gave this sight: At a 5 minutes walk, however, sits what seems to be one of students favorite places, McDonald’s. A bit further (for those driving), there is the competition: Quick. Well, after a…

  • Signs

    Two signs are missing from this delightful pole that I encounter twice every week day: “Home 3.3km” and “Work 4km”

  • A sunny ride to work

    I love to ride to work on crisp sunny mornings, with cows having breakfast in fuming fields.

  • Ant driving

    Have you ever driven an ant? Gadea and I did (and so will you one day when visiting Nantes)