Day 51

 Eyquem has recovered well. The sky is gray, temperatures are more acceptable, we are almost cold: we leave the apartment with 27 degrees, real feel 32, and it shouldn’t go further than 32 degrees, real feel 35. Fresh, by our current standards. We walk to Shinjuku station, admire the famous Shinjuku crossing cat, who just turned one and has special programs going on, and take the Yamamote line to Gotunda, one of the two stations on the line we haven’t visited yet. This allows us to get our Yamamote Eki stamp number 30, and our 50th Central Tokyo Eki stamp! Worth a picture. 

We get out and walk along the tracks, reaching the Meguro river, which we already strolled along when visiting Meguro. The objective is to go see a final public sculpture, Inges Idee’s famous Growing Gardner. We find it easily, take some photos, and find a nice Tsukamen place to have dinner. Good surprise, it is a top-notch ramen place! After dinner, we walk back to Osaki station and take the Yamamote line back in order to get our 30th and final stamp for that line. We arrive Meijiro, stamp our book, and start walking in another charming neighborhood. We reach the Jiyu Gakuen Myonochikan. It used to be a catholic girl school and the building was designed famous architects Frank Lloyd Wright and Arata Endo. The girls school moved, but the institution continues to use the place for different classes and to rent it as a venue. It is certainly very well maintained, and the building is interesting to explore. As we exit, rain starts pouring. We continue exploring the neighborhood. First we stop at a little arts and craft store. Then we aim to reach a craft brewery, Inkhorn. To do so we explore a bit more, under pouring rain, the neighborhood, coming across two shrines. The brewery is nice, the brewers are just finishing their brewday. We enjoy some nice craft, then get back home under still pouring rain, not without shopping for one if the last times at the corner Coop. 



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