Day 23

We take the train (and collect some more stamps, as has now become the case in all stations we stop by!) then a ferry to Miyojima. Unfortunately the famous water Tory is covered and in restoration works, and part of the Itsukushima shrine is being renovated, too. The place is still very interesting, and we are happy to visit. Plenty of deer are strolling along, checking if people have food or other stuff to chew along. While wild, they are clearly used to humans. We visit the shrine, then take a walk towards a small pagoda. Encountering more deer on the way, we head to the huge Buddhist temple Daishoin. There are plenty of caves, temples, shrines, and a great number of statues, too. 

It is now time to eat, we head to the brewery, but the restaurant section is closed. We do not resist the temptation of a craft beer, and enjoy local delicacies that are fried oysters and fried conger eel. Next, we climb to the famous 5 stories high pagoda, visit the Senjokaku Buddhist pavilion at its side, a big open temple made of wood. Someone from the staff even shows us how the mountain that can be seen from one side looks like a sleeping Buddha. 

Can you see the sleeping Buddha?

The lunch, although late, was not huge, and one can buy grilled oysters, so we do. Only the adults dare eat the delicacies, however. Some time shopping in the covered alley, buying the famous japanese maple leave shaped pastries called momiji manju, and it is time to take the ferry. The JR staff, upon seeing our JR passes, think we are the one who lost a pass they found, and are so happy to give it to us. But it is not ours, and we give it back. Hopefully, the person who lost it found it, as there are still 8 days of validity (it’s a 14-day pass). Back in Hiroshima, we head to a craft beer place, have dinner and head back to bed. On the way, we tour the peace garden and pass by the A Dome, that somehow didn’t get completely destroyed and  is preserved to remember the horror of the A-bomb. Tomorrow will be another, more somber, day.




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