Category: Voyage

  • Le voyage

     Lundi 13 juin 2022. Après avoir rangé autant que possible la maison, passé le week-end à préparer le jardin, à préper les personnes sympathiques qui s’occuperont du poulailler, à s’assurer que des personnes seront présentes pour veiller à ce que les poules aient assez d’eau (la France va avoir une période chaude, et nous prévoyons…

  • Taking the plane

    We are paying a visit to Mamita and Papito these days. Hoping to see Clea, the new cousin, too, but it seems that Eyquem and Gadea will not see her from close range, as she is very fragile and has spent some time in the hospital…So yesterday Eyquem took his first plane (Gadea is an…

  • Samuel in Barcelona

    I have flown to Barcelona to pick up a data CD. Tomorrow I will be signing papers at the Belgian consulate in Alicante ensuring Eyquem gets the belgian nationality… at least while Belgium exists. The taxi ride went smoothly, I had printed my boarding pass, so all went well. But my neighbor clearly was tired…