Day 5

It’s Sunday, and it’s rest time. But from 3pm it is less hot and we decide to go out anyway. Departure on the JY line (Yamamoto line) for Yoyogi park, where we were promised a horde of people in cosplay, rockabilly dancing, and a famous temple. When we arrive, there are, once again, a lot of people and a lot of noises, men indicate how to go up on the footbridge which crosses the road. We find ourselves among many teenagers, some of them accompanied by teenagers, or mothers in front of the Yoyogi National Stadium. It turns out that there is a concert of a K-pop group, and it’s crazy. People buy cards in envelopes and find out if they have their favorite member… or not. Also, many have paipai with one or the other member of the group. And they look for opportunities to exchange! The group: Stray Kids. Eyquem and Gadea go to buy their card, and Eyquem can’t help being disappointed that there are no tickets available. It seems that the tour has been delayed, and after two years, it is finally going on. 

After this small detour, we go to the park Yoyogi, but, probably because of the animation due to the concert, there is no cosplay, and rockabillys are not dancing. So we go in the direction of the Meiji Jingu temple, which is in what seems an ancient forest. In fact, the temple and the forest date from 1920 and are in honor of the emperor Meiji and his companion the empress Shoken. This couple represents the transition between the autarkic Japan and the modern Japan (but which keeps a strong part to the tradition).  In the courtyard of the temple, a couple of camphor trees have become a symbol of harmonious couple life and family. Here too, a wall of Sake barrels, but also of Burgundy!!

After this visit, we go to an avenue of stores, many of them luxurious, and then we go back home quietly. Noe stopped before us to buy some onigiris, and the children were happy to have a quiet evening at home with the last episode of Obi Wan Kenobi. Oh, and our air conditioner units have been repaired, which is not nothing! 



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